Excel Hiring News & Resources

Why Skills Assessments Should be Part of your Interview Process
Skills-based assessments, such as Rate My Excel, offer objective measures that mitigate unconscious biases and provide better predictive validity, ensuring hires are well-suited and potentially increasing employee retention.
July 21, 2024
How to Install the Excel Labs Add-In
Create LAMBDA's and use ChatGPT in Excel with the Excel Labs Add-In
May 26, 2023
Check Out Wordle In Excel
Create your own version of Wordle in Excel
November 12, 2022
How to Calculate Depreciation in Excel
Using Excel's Built-In Depreciation Functions
November 12, 2022
Top 52 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
Get the free one-page PDF of the best Excel shortcuts
November 12, 2022
How to Interview for Excel Skills
The best questions to vet candidates' Excel skills during the interview
November 2, 2022